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Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.

Most people fuck up at some point...and most people live to tell the tale.

Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Events across the globe get 3 or 4 people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup/mistake. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, stories like these will all be told.

At this event we will have three fabulous speakers who are going to share their mistakes.  No happy ending for any of these three stories!

  • Martin Barnes had the opportunity to go to Hong Kong and pitch to Keanu Reeves but his ego got in the way and he told his boss he wasn't going to go.
  • Claire is a formerly burnt out GP that co-founded an AI health startup with the aim of making it a unicorn….only to sink it with a viral TikTok post.
  • TBC

Did Martin's this decision change the course of his career and was it for the best, or not? Come along and find out and have the chance to quiz Martin on that decision.

Can one TikTik post really sink a great business idea? Claire is going to tell all in her talk about how she failed.

Let's change the narrative, let's #ShareTheFailure and learn from it.

What's Included

All tickets include a glass of wine or beer or two soft drinks plus some canapés (enough to keep your hunger at bay until later in the evening).


6:00pm - Doors open & networking

6:30pm - Canapés

7:00pm - Presentations start.  Each presentation is 10 minutes with 5 minutes Q&A

8:00pm - Networking & drinks

9:45pm - Close

Step Free Access

There is step free access throughout the venue’s indoor areas via ramps and a lift, however unfortunately the terrace and garden can only be accessed via steps and there may not be an accessible toilet available on the evening. Please do let us know in advance if you will need ramps.


This event is organised by David Gilroy, Managing Director, Conscious Solutions.  A serial entrepreneur David has for the last 30 years worked exclusively in the online space having been part of the early management team at CompuServe, cofounded Sift and for the last 20 years led the team at Conscious Solutions, the UK's leading digital marketing agency for law firms.

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you do not feel you got any value from this event, email bristol@fvckupnights.com within 24hrs of the start time and you will be refunded 100% of your fee.


I am open to any sponsorship suggestions including but not limited to, a pull up banner in the room, free tickets, money behind the bar.  This a 'breakeven' event so I'm open to any suggestion.

Media Partner

I don't have one yet. Interested?  Let me know.

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Contact us
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Calendario de eventos

October 1, 2024
FuckUp Nights Bristol #6 - October 2024
New dates coming soon

Next event

Próximo evento

1 Oct

6:00 pm


9:30 pm

The Square Club

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Calendar of events

Calendario de eventos

New dates coming soon
New dates coming soon
Próximamente nuevas fechas

Fuckupper Wanted

Fuckup Nights es un movimiento global y una serie de eventos donde se comparten historias de fracasos. Cada mes, en eventos en todo el mundo, conseguimos que tres o cuatro personas se enfrenten a una sala llena de extraños para compartir su propia cagada. Historias de negocios que quiebran, acuerdos de socios que se pelean, productos que deben retirarse del mercado, contamos todo.

Apply Now!
FUCKUP NIGHTS en tu ciudad

¿Qué significa ser un Fuckupper?

Un Fuckupper es un representante local de Fuckup Nights responsable de organizar eventos y hacer crecer la comunidad en su ciudad. Convertirse en un Fuckupper significa pertenecer a un movimiento mundialmente conocido con un modelo de licencia establecido que te ofrece oportunidades de establecer contactos para construir tu marca personal Y trabajar por la liberación colectiva del estigma del fracaso.

Estoy ready para ser Fuckupper


obten la licencia ahora por $ 480 usd al año


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Meet the team

Conoce al equipo

Fuckupper Team

David Gilroy




Job Description


David is a seasoned entrepreneur on the Bristol business scene. He led the CompuServe operations in Bristol managing a team of 250 back in the early 90s, co-founded the agency Sift in the mid-90s and for the last 20 years co-founded and is still the Managing Director of Conscious